Bible Truth Chapel is the meeting place of a group of Christians who gather together in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. For more than a century believers have gathered together under this local fellowship to proclaim the good news of salvation by faith in Christ alone.
The Foundation of Bible Truth Chapel
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
I Corinthians 3:11
In view of this fact, we meet simply as believers in the name of the Son of God, entirely apart from any denomination or organized federation. In the New Testament, all the titles given to believers are common to and inclusive of all who have been united to the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Such names as “Christians,” Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16; “Believers,” Acts 5:14; 1 Timothy 4:12; and “Children of God,” Galatians 1:2 are seen to be inclusive of every true Christian on the face of the earth. We, therefore, use no denominational name, but are recognized only by the terms used in Scripture.
We seek to meet, in scriptural simplicity, as Christians who have already been joined by the Spirit of God to the body of Christ, the Church, of which the Lord Jesus Christ is the sole Head and of which every believer is a member. I Corinthians 12:13; 6:17
In light of this scriptural truth concerning the Church, we seek to recognize and act on this revelation of the unity of the body of Christ. We have no desire to separate from other believers, but only from those things which are contrary to the revealed will of God, as found in His holy Word. Ephesians 4:1-6
The existence of this meeting place does not represent another denomination of Christians, who are separated from other believers by humanly constructed barriers in the form of creeds, government, or books of discipline, etc. It is the meeting place of a company of Christians who are sincerely endeavoring to “keep the unity of the Spirit (which God has already made) in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3
It logically follows that all true, repentant Christians will be warmly welcomed to enjoy Christian fellowship with us on no other condition than that they “belong to Christ.” Mark 9:41
We have no ordained or paid ministers. Our fellowship is administered by responsible brothers called elders or overseers, but they have no jurisdiction outside of our own local assembly. We have a number of elders who meet the qualifications set forth in the Scriptures. 1 Timothy 3 Titus 1 They guide by example using the Word of God, rather than by man-made rule or decree. Deacons are recognized, but have no governmental role. Acts 6:1-7 Preaching and teaching responsibilities fall upon all brothers who are gifted. Eph 4:11
We observe the ordinances detailed in scripture. Each ordinance we observe meets three criteria:
- It must be definitely commanded by the Lord Jesus, as recorded in the Bible.
- It must be practiced by the apostles, as described in the book of Acts.
- Its spiritual significance must be clearly expounded in the Epistles.
Only two ordinances meet this threefold test: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Baptism, which is by immersion in water, is for believers only, and should follow conversion to Christ. It is the God-given illustration of the Christian’s identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection, and constitutes an individual’s confession to others of this fact. It has no saving value, but is an act of obedience to the Lord who commanded it.
Headship and Head Covering
You will undoubtedly notice that during our meetings the women wear head coverings. Understanding the purpose for the head covering in the church comes from 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. This tradition as we practice it is not an ordinance, nor within it is there any saving value. It is an outward, symbolic display of God’s order as shown in scripture. The covered heads of the women and uncovered heads of the men in the assembly meetings is a symbol showing that the men and women participating are not on display but rather that Christ is on display.