Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13:3
For more than three decades Bible Truth Chapel has supported Miami Youth For Christ’s Juvenile Justice program and Glenn Craig, the Miami Director of the program. Juvenile Justice works directly with at-risk and incarcerated youth, a deeply important outreach in the city of Miami. YFC Juvenile Justice partners with the Miami-Dade Juvenile Detention Center, Dade Juvenile Justice Residential Facilities and Miami Substance Abuse Centers, among others, to share the Good News that Jesus Christ loves and cares for every individual – regardless of their past or circumstances. Glenn has been serving in this capacity for more than three decades.

Glenn Craig
Director, Juvenile Justice
Miami Youth for Christ
P: 305-271-2442
E: [email protected]
Juvenile Justice Overview
Youth For Christ’s Juvenile Justice program was developed to increase the effectiveness of the organization in working with young people who find themselves in situations and communities where positive outcomes in life are far from certain. Mentoring has been utilized by YFC as a method for addressing the profound challenges faced by program participants through creating the opportunity for them to interact with loving and responsible adults who are committed to fostering positive life-changing influences for these young people.
Objectives of Juvenile Justice
- Provide enrichment programs that focus on practical issues and a realistic approach to help youth permanently erase destructive habits by recognizing and choosing healthy environments for spiritual, mental and physical development. Reinforcing positive habits and behaviors as youth encounter problem solving obstacles and challenges.
- Offer young people the chance to develop a relationship with one or more adults who become friends, role models, life coaches, and advocates for successful transition back into community, schools, churches, and neighborhoods.
- Focus on helping youth accept their responsibilities and realize their potential while maximizing strengths
- Increase a youth’s awareness of educational, cultural, recreational, career and entry level job opportunities, and introduction to new networks and community